
What is a Public Private Partnership?

A Public-Private Partnership occurs anytime a National Government, State Government, or Local Government partners with a private company to provide goods or services to the community.

Public-private partnerships involve collaboration between a government agency and a private-sector company that can be used to finance, build, and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks, and convention centers. Financing a project through a public-private partnership can allow a project to be completed sooner or make it a possibility in the first place.

There are significant opportunities for well-established private companies to drive revenue by participating in P3 collaborations.

Strategic Partnerships is a Government Procurement Consulting Firm that Helps Guide Private Companies in The “P3” Process

Strategic Partnerships, Inc. (SPI), long recognized as a pioneer in the business of partnering public and private entities for commercial purposes, is now leading the way in the rapidly expanding arena of public-private partnerships (P3s).

Why do we Need Public-Private Partnerships?

In the 21st century, rising needs and shrinking revenues are forcing poshutterstock_245768287licymakers to find a new approach to deliver the services people expect and deserve.

From city parking garages to state pension fund management, public-private partnerships (P3) are revolutionizing how services can be delivered more efficiently and effectively, and how innovation and collaboration can reinvent government and reinvigorate our economy.