
  • ‘P3’ Opportunities Abound – 11/27/2009
    Texas public-sector entities are finding innovative ways to finance large infrastructure and facility construction projects. The current credit environment and recession have made it increasingly difficult for governmental entities to finance large initiatives. [more]
  • Got energy solutions? – 11/06/2009
    Vendors and service providers with energy solutions should watch carefully over the next few weeks as millions of dollars are awarded to local public entities for energy-related initiatives. The federal government has made $22 billion available for energy-related projects that improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [more]
  • Catching the technology wave – 10/02/2009
    Companies with services and solutions related to public safety should definitely not overlook the public-sector marketplace in Texas over the next 24 months. And the first place to focus would be the Texas Department of Public Safety. [more]
  • Stimulus funding flowing to Texas for multiple technology-related projects – 9/04/2009
    Technology vendors who are not watching activities at the state level of government may miss huge opportunities in the next few months. Each government entity has a new two-year budget, and most received federal stimulus funding as well. After analyzing budget allocations and spending plans, it is obvious that technology is in high demand. The state’s new fiscal year began Sept. 1, and there will be opportunities for almost every type of technology product or service. [more]
  • Following the money – 8/07/2009
    In 2008, state and local governmental entities collected tax revenues that exceeded $1.3 trillion. The state of Texas collected more than $44.7 billion. That’s a lot of taxpayer dollars. [more]
  • Green means growth – 7/03/2009
    Welcome to a vibrant Texas marketplace where public-sector decision-makers have funds and an immediate interest in purchasing energy-efficiency and conservation solutions. [more]
  • Stimulus money flows to Texas – 6/05/2009
    Texas cities, counties, school districts and other local entities are scheduled to receive billions of dollars from the federal government in the coming months. Construction companies and technology firms should already be tracking upcoming projects of interest. [more]
  • Stimulus money launches Texas contract jobs – 5/01/2009
    Texas will receive more than $5 billion in stimulus money. The funding, coming from many federal sources, is not easy to track, but the time and effort involved is worth it. [more]
  • Stimulus dollars begin flowing into Texas – 4/10/2009
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be remembered as one of the most-watched pieces of legislation ever passed by the federal government. Because the amount of money the bill dumps into local economies is so large — almost $1 trillion — it has created a historic flurry of anticipation. [more]
  • Show Me the Money: Grant funding remains center stage – 3/06/2009
    In Texas, there are thousands of funding sources. And there are funds for almost everything a community or region could want to build or buy. The funding discussed in this article has nothing to do with the president’s stimulus bill, which will send almost $1 trillion more into Texas in the next few months. The funding discussed in this article has been available for many years.[more]
  • Mary Scott Nabers on government contracting – 2/06/2009
    There may be controversy forever about government outsourcing. Some people simply believe that only government should handle certain functions. However, when faced with declining revenue, tight budgets, a need for specialized expertise and increased mandates — governmental entities have no option other than to consider outsourcing or private sector contracting. This will not change in the near future, if ever. [more]
  • Public-sector opportunities for environmental firms will be abundant in Texas in 2009 – 1/02/2009
    Each year, state agencies in Texas, along with local governmental entities, spend hundreds of millions of dollars for environmental services provided by private-sector contractors. This market segment is large now, but it will grow even more in the coming years. [more]
