
  • A Matter of Resolve – 12/14/2007
    With the end of the 2007 in sight and holidays fast approaching, thoughts begin to turn toward resolutions for the coming year. For many businesses, that means new revenue quotas. Companies not currently selling to government agencies in Texas may want to seriously think about entering this extremely lucrative marketplace. [more]
  • Bond bonanza – 11/30/2007
    Texas voters recently approved more than $15 billion in bond proposals, creating a world of new opportunities for government contractors. Voters overwhelmingly gave permission to invest tax dollars in public enhancements to address growth issues. [more]
  • A growing demand for quality-of-life amenities is creating a wide array of business opportunities – 11/9/2007
    Texans, like most Americans, are a society of hard-working, over-stressed, impatient individuals who want as much access to recreational activities and entertainment as we can possibly get. We want parks, jogging trails, playgrounds, sports and music venues — all as close as possible to where we live. [more]
  • You just have to ask – 10/26/2007
    Companies that contract with governmental entities are continually on the lookout for upcoming opportunities. Information gathering is critical, and early identification of upcoming opportunities often guarantees a competitive advantage. [more]
  • Sneak Peek – 10/12/2007
    Texas is experiencing significant growing pains as a result of a booming economy, and there’s no slowdown in sight. The state’s prosperity continues to attract a large influx of newcomers each month. The unprecedented growth is presenting historic funding challenges for local governmental entities — and presenting phenomenal opportunities for Texas businesses. [more]
  • Hot for high-tech – 9/28/2007
    Texans have become accustomed to the ease and convenience of gleaning information quickly and effortlessly, by pointing and clicking on a computer. This is presenting some new challenges and opportunities for public entities. [more]
  • University appeal – 9/7/2007
    Political leaders and the business community in Texas have joined forces to face the reality of a large potential problem. Texas is in danger of having its economic prosperity slip if efforts are not successful to increase the number of students entering institutions of higher education. Simply put, it has become painfully apparent that more students must be channeled into colleges and universities if we are to maintain the economic standards that exist in Texas today. [more]
  • Sunny Forecast – 8/24/2007
    There are many types of environmental occurrences that spawn opportunities for government contractors. Normally, weather-related occurrences in the Lone Star State are not a result of too much rain. Tornados, hurricanes, droughts — these are the types of disturbances that Texans expect to cause serious problems. [more]
  • CONSTRUCTION BOOM – 8/10/2007
    The recently approved appropriations bill opened up a multitude of opportunities throughout the state for all types of businesses. But one sector, construction and renovation, has the potential and the probability of becoming historically large in Texas. [more]
  • Ushering in a new year – 7/27/2007
    In less than five weeks, state government in Texas will enter a new fiscal year and agencies will have millions in recently appropriated funds for all types of purchases. Contractors should be actively working now to gather information and get positioned for these upcoming opportunities. [more]
  • Land of opportunity – 6/29/2007
    The legislative session has ended. Billions of dollars have been appropriated for new initiatives. It’s important now for businesses throughout the state to know about some of the upcoming opportunities. [more]
    Summer is a perfect time for vendors and contractors to approach government decision-makers. From June to August, state agencies make an effort to spend all remaining funds left over from old budgets, preparing for the fall, when new budget cycles begin. The state’s new fiscal year begins Sept. 1, and all funding which was recently appropriated by the Legislature becomes available on that date. The Texas economy is strong, and agencies will have an abundance of funds to spend. [more]
  • Strong bonds – 5/18/2007
    The strength of a community’s public school system directly impacts its economic prosperity. Today, a strong school system — one that offers benefits beyond the basics — is a 900-pound gorilla in economic development competition. [more]
  • Growing population fuels marketplace for contractors who do remodeling and repair – 4/20/2007
    A population that continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, coupled with urgent needs that in some areas increase daily, is resulting in a very lucrative marketplace for contractors specializing in renovation and repair. [more]
  • Consultants in demand – 04/06/2007
    Texas cities and counties are hiring professional services firms in droves. Nearly every region of any size is either in a growth planning stage, a major construction phase or preparing for a bond election. [more]
  • Courthouse prominence – 03/23/2007
    Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Most of the state’s courthouses are very old with some dating back to the mid 1800s. [more]
  • ‘Mind-boggling’ enrollment growth at Texas schools creates new opportunities in a huge marketplace – 3/9/2007
    The prognostications of State Demographer Steve Murdock, who conducts in-depth research into population changes in Texas, are revered among public officials. [more]
  • Government outsourcing of services that don’t justify an internal department spell business openings for entrepreneurs – 2/9/2007
    The facts sound very familiar: The developer of a new, untested technology wins government assistance to get his fledgling enterprise off the ground, even before all the bugs have been worked out. Amid controversy and backbiting by competitors, the new service flourishes and ends up revolutionizing both government operations and private enterprise. [more]
  • Park investments pay off big-time – 01/12/2007
    The word “park” conjures up images of children on swings, adults jogging or reading on a bench, dogs catching Frisbees. But a growing body of research shows that parks aren’t just about play. Parks are a hard-working component of a city’s infrastructure, paying strong dividends in terms of economic development, increased property values, lower crime and a healthier citizenry. [more]
