EPA awards Miami-Dade County $424M to eliminate ocean outfalls
Florida – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $424.2 million in financing to Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to support upgrades that will eliminate the use of ocean outfalls and increase resiliency.
The projects will increase the system’s climate resiliency by modernizing facilities to be better protected and able to operate during extreme weather events. The initiative involves improvements to wastewater treatment processes, rehabilitation of a sewer pump station, and construction of new injection well pump stations.
Total project costs are estimated at $865.8 million to improve the system that serves 1.8 million people.
The Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) requires utilities in Southeast Florida to reduce the practice of discharging wastewater into the ocean using existing ocean outfalls and consists of 24 major construction projects totaling over $2 billion.