Dec 14th 2020 | Posted in Trends by Government Contracting Pipeline

Virginia – The city of Richmond is taking public comment on what residents want it to consider in a proposal for a potential resort casino in the city.
Richmond will issue a request for qualifications (RFQ) or proposals (RFP) to select an operator and site. Following the city’s selection of a preferred operator and site, the citizens of Richmond will have the final say in whether to bring a resort casino to Richmond via a voter referendum expected to appear on the November 2021 ballot.
Total amount of new annual revenues coming to the city of Richmond, location of the casino resort, capital investment, and job creation will all be factors in recommending the casino operator and site to the City Council and the citizens.
The city also will evaluate small business engagement, increased tourism, how the location of the casino resort supports the city’s entertainment community, and the capacity of the operator and the quality development
In April 2020, the Virginia General Assembly authorized five cities to allow full-service casinos to operate in their jurisdictions. The General Assembly Law requires that the proposed casino operator/site be approved by a voter referendum. In November 2020, voters in Danville, Norfolk, Bristol, and Portsmouth approved casino operators/sites to establish in their cities.