Feb 7th 2020 | Posted in Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by Government Contracting Pipeline

Nebraska – The state will seek a public-private partnership (P3) to build a four-story $58.6 million building in Lincoln to house its departments of banking, insurance, and revenue.
Nebraska building Nebraska proposing P3 to construct state office garage building

Rendering of proposed Nebraska state building

Department of Administrative Services (DAS) officials presented schematic design plans for the new building to the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee on January 30. The combined office building and parking garage will be located on the Capitol grounds’ geothermal well.

DAS will continue with developing design documents and will issue a request for proposals (RFP) in summer 2020 to interested developers. The new office building is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2022 and will include two levels of parking with over 400 parking stalls.

Under the P3 model, it is estimated the state will save about $35 million over 30 years compared to the cost of leasing space over the same time.