Miami-Dade County forming a P3 pool for projects
Florida- A county in Florida has issued a request for qualifications for a public-private partnership (P3) advisory pool. Miami-Dade County’s Internal Services Department is soliciting qualifications for a P3 and Infrastructure Advisory Services to establish a pool to be used as needed when projects are identified by the county. The county intends to
create a pool of up to five initial members. Membership in the pool is a prerequisite for opportunities to submit proposals and/or be awarded a contract for projects. Under this pool, potential projects in the future with the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department will include the Biosolids Processing Facility, automatic meter reading, Northwest Well Field Water Treatment Facility, West District Wastewater Treatment Plant and peak flow wastewater management tunnel. Download the future solicitations document here and the scope document here.
In 2017, the Board of Miami-Dade County Commissioners unanimously approved a new ordinance which will help the county implement a variety of planned and potential P3 projects in the future. The ordinance tracks and implements the state of Florida’s procedures for procurement of P3 projects.
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