Maine’s governor presents $140M transportation, public land bond
Maine – To meet the increasing demands on public transportation and lands in Maine, Gov. Janet Mills presented a $140 million bond package.
Madawaska-Edmunston Bridge
The scaled-back version of Mills’ State of the Budget Address preview earlier this year will dedicate $100 million to maintain and upgrade the state’s transportation system and $40 million over four years to conserve lands and waters.
By infusing the nearly depleted Land for Maine’s Future Program, the state can leverage federal funding from the Great American Outdoors Act.
The $100 million transportation bond represents a critical component of the capital funding in the Maine Department of Transportation’s (MaineDOT) three-year Work Plan. The bond and matching federal funds, depending on funding sources and costs, is expected to support capital projects statewide in 2022, including:
- 304 miles of highway preservation paving, totaling $109 million.
- 74 highway safety and spot improvement projects, totaling $41 million.
- 28 miles of highway reconstruction and rehabilitation, totaling more than $30 million.
- 68 bridge projects, totaling $169 million.
- 33 multimodal projects including rail, port, transit, and active transportation projects, totaling almost $59 million.
If the capital funding for transportation represented by this bond is not provided, MaineDOT will need to significantly cut back its Work Plan for 2022.