Nov 8th 2019 | Posted in Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by Government Contracting Pipeline

California – Officials at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) are seeking a public-private partnership (P3) with up to two private contractors on pre-development work on the $9.5 billion Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project.

LA Metro plans to build a fixed guideway transit line that will initially link the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. A final project phase includes an extension to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Rendering of Sepulveda Transit Corridor monorail

The Sepulveda Transit Corridor is part of LA Metro’s Measure M Expenditure Plan, with approximately $5.7 billion for new transit service to connect the San Fernando Valley and the Westside, scheduled to open by 2033. Approximately $3.8 billion is allocated to extend that service from the Westside to LAX with a 2057 opening date. State and federal funding is anticipated to augment the authority’s funding.

LA Metro officials are considering a design-build-finance-operate-maintain structure for the project for a term to be determined. Some of the pre-development work will involve early project definition and design.

The last date for prospective proposers to submit their initial qualifications is December 4. Final proposals are due to LA Metro by 2 p.m. April 1, 2020.