Advertise in SPI’s e-newsletters

SPI newsletters double header image for mail chimp advert campaign 300x300 AdvertisingSPI’s weekly publications, Texas Government Insider (TGI) and Government Contracting Pipeline, provide the latest news and current political issues relevant to those doing business with government.

If interested in advertising, please contact the SPI sales team at (512) 531-3900 or for more information.

To subscribe to our newsletters, simply text from any mobile device: STRATEGICPARTNER to 22828.



Advertise in BOTH e-newsletters and receive a
25% discount

Government Contracting Pipeline
Pricing Chart Government Contracting Pipeline 300x132 Advertising

Click Here to view ad sizes (pixels)

Texas Government Insider


  • Advertisements run in a frequency of four weeks or more, as opposed to one or two, have more than double the impact on the company’s ROI
  • Advertising space is limited
  • Advertisers must provide all camera-ready artwork files of at least 300 ppi in PNG/JPEG format
  • Most ads hyperlink to a one-page, specific-service document or to advertiser’s Website
  • Individual or combined rates are available at discount
  • Multiple months provide larger discounted rate and flexibility to make ad changes quarterly

DOWNLOAD PDF for both Pipeline and TGI